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Developing training programs to build skills, using cutting-edge strategies and tools

CAI designs tailored curricula to help organizations increase their staff’s knowledge and skills, so that they can deliver high-quality services. We develop instructional manuals, training materials, and in-person and web-based learning programs that translate research into practice with user-friendly approaches. We pilot test all curricula to continue improving them.

Curriculum services provided by CAI include:

  • Full curriculum packages for both in-person and virtual training
  • Pre- and post-training knowledge tests
  • Curriculum to train counselors, educators, and others in evidence-based interventions
  • Curriculum for funders to implement policies
  • Curriculum for public health strategies, such as social networking
  • Curriculum for supervisors
  • Train-the-trainer guides for professional trainers or for people in agencies who are tasked with training but aren’t professional trainers